Fr Thomas’ Reflection for the 4th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Sydney siders have been hoping for more relaxation of COVID restrictions, considering two weeks of no community transmission of the virus. But the premier is more cautious of relaxing the restrictions for the fear of relapse of the dreaded spread of the virus. Anything that is adverse to the wellbeing of our brothers and sisters is to be resisted effectively.

Fr Thomas’ Message for the 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

JobKeeper and JobSeeker payments of the government have helped to contain unemployment during the pandemic. Protecting the employment of the people has always been a very important matter. Wellbeing of the people depends on employment and the income it would generate. Therefore, no one would think of abandoning a well-established income source. Is that the truth always?

Fr Thomas’ Message for the 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

The defiance of Donald Trump has resulted in an impeachment, a second one for a president for the first time in the history of USA. It is his unwillingness to put the good of the State before his self-centred interests that caused this to happen. Democracy and trust in a government are essential for the polity of the nation to be lively and healthy. Only leaders who are totally committed to serve their nation selflessly, not self-serving individuals, can make a nation great.

Fr Thomas’ Message for Epiphany of the Lord

What a year it was in 2020! In this New Year we wish and pray that 2021 will be better than the one that is past. COVID 19 continues to challenge humanity in all aspects of life. Our proudly established medical systems are failing to ensure health and well-being.

Fr Thomas’ Message for the Feast of the Holy Family

With or without a house, children are normally reared in families. We all are, to a great extent, products of our own families. I remember, my parents’ insistence on an hour of family prayer each evening. They also made sure their children did not miss out on Sunday Masses. Walking about two kilometres to and from the parish church in the tropical sun was not an issue then.

Fr Thomas’ Christmas Message

We are in strange times. Who would have thought that COVID would take the shine of Christmas away. But has it? The challenges of a pandemic and all the restrictions because of it, are compelling Christians to identify the fundamentals of Christmas. Different Gospels for the Masses on this day offer pointers to meditate on different aspects of the mystery of Incarnation of the Lord. The Birth of Jesus is a good news.

Fr Thomas’ Reflection for the 4th Sunday of Advent

“You don’t like me” is a tactic children use to gain favour from their parents. The words may not always be exactly the same, but some variant of this expression, in words or in gestures, is a powerful tool that can bend the hearts of the loving parents. The caring parent soon works on showing the unhappy child that he or she is their favourite one. There is nothing more uplifting in life than knowing how favoured you are.