Fr Thomas’ Reflection for the 4th Sunday of Advent

“You don’t like me” is a tactic children use to gain favour from their parents. The words may not always be exactly the same, but some variant of this expression, in words or in gestures, is a powerful tool that can bend the hearts of the loving parents. The caring parent soon works on showing the unhappy child that he or she is their favourite one. There is nothing more uplifting in life than knowing how favoured you are.

Fr Thomas’ Reflection for the 2nd Sunday of Advent

ack came to see me, all confused. His family and friends had disappointed him. His prayer life was far from perfect. The Sacraments of the Church had not appeared in the horizon of his mind for a long time. Having listened to him I made some suggestions on how to move forward and where to find some help.

Fr Thomas’ Reflection for the 1st Sunday of Advent

Who among you doesn’t want to be remembered? In your memory who are the people you cherish? Aren’t they the people who went out of their way to show compassion to you when you were feeling miserable? You remember the people who helped you in need.

Fr Thomas’ Reflection for All Saint’s Day

How many Australian saints are there? You may be thinking of Saint Mary of the Cross Mackillop as the only one. She is not the only one; there are many more Aussie saints. Till her canonisation in 2010 Mary Mackillop also was not known as a saint. Does that mean she became a saint only ten years ago? No. She lived an exemplary Christian life. Therefore, she was a saint always, even before her death. The Church, by canonising Mary Mackillop, has added her name to the official list of saintly people for others to learn how to make their life flourish through of faith.

Fr Thomas’ Reflection for the 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

“Homosexual people have the right to be in a family. They are children of God.” These words of Pope Francis and more were covered in the media all over the world last Thursday, 22 October. The Holy Father went on to say, “You can’t kick someone out of a family, nor make their life miserable for this. What we have to have is a civil union law; that way they are legally covered.”

Fr Thomas’ Reflection for the 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Is it proper for the government to share tax revenue with the education and charity initiatives of the Church? This has always been a matter of contention. Whenever the government speaks about school funding, arguments about the share to the Catholic Schools becomes a hot issue of discussion in the media and otherwise. It is nothing new.