From the Pastor – 5 November 2023

Dear brothers and sisters,

Q&A: What is love?

Love is the decision to give myself to the other in view of their good.  It is what God, the persons of the Trinity, the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, have done and will do for all eternity.  Human beings are different from all other creatures in that we alone have been made by him in his image and likeness.  This means then that we also are made for love, to love, and only fulfil ourselves, only find happiness, in the gift of ourselves to others and in receiving the gift of the others to us.  This means that love is not just a feeling, which always change, but fundamentally a choice, a decision, an act which, if I am to be faithful to the love I have chosen, I do regardless of how I might feel – a key condition to a peaceful society.

All parish volunteers need to complete safeguarding regulations

It has come to my attention that not all our volunteers have finished fulfilling all the safeguarding requirements for volunteer service in the Archdiocese.  This is a very serious and urgent matter.  We are immensely grateful for your service, and it is important that each of us has our place where we can give ourselves for each other in the parish: but we are only able to benefit from your service if we are compliant with safeguarding requirements.  This means this needs to be done before Christmas this year.  We were informed on 31 October that the only services which require a WWCC, safeguarding training and induction, and signing of the code of conduct are acolytes, catechists and lectors. Counters need only provide a police check.  All other volunteers – altar society/flowers, cleaners, gardeners or for the church shop do not need to provide anything. Our parish secretary Lea and LSSO Robert should be contacting you in coming weeks to help you do so. Thank you for your understanding, and for your service.

The collections are not the same

The first collection goes to help all the priests of the diocese with their living needs. The second collection goes to the work of our parish, including maintenance, utilities, and staff.

Neither are the poor boxes

Money placed in the poor boxes on the right and left as you enter the church go to the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul.  If you wish to make a donation to the parish, please place your offering in the candle offerings box to the right of the altar of Our Lady of Perpetual Help.

‘Healing’ Masses

As we explored a few weeks ago, and as for any sacrament, there are conditions we need to verify in order to receive the sacrament of the anointing of the sick fruitfully. To help clarify who is to be anointed at the monthly healing mass, please come and speak to me personally sometime before the healing mass so we can discern together. While all are welcome to the Mass, currently I am aware of only one person who will be anointed.

Night for young people

A night of adoration, praise, talk and testimony is being offered for all young people aged 18 to 35 in St Peter Chanel Church 7:30pm-9:30pm,  Friday 17th November.  If you are looking to encounter Jesus this is a really simple way!

Christmas luncheon

You will have seen notices about our annual Christmas luncheon for those who would like to celebrate Christmas with others. We are looking for donations, and volunteers to cook beforehand, and to help on the day. Thank you for whatever help you can provide!

Yours in Our Lord,
