From the Pastor – 10 December 2023

Q+A: How can we live Advent well?

The point of advent is to prepare for the coming of Jesus at Christmas, in Holy Communion, and at the end of our life and of the world. One way is to set up our crib, or nativity scene, in our home, leaving space for the baby Jesus to place on Christmas Day.

From the Pastor – 3 December 2023

The English word “Advent” comes from the latin word “Adventus” which means “a coming” – that it is the time when we look to the coming of Jesus Christ, which of course happens at Christmas.  While in Western Christianity the date of Christmas was not decided for everyone much before the end of the 300s, it had already been celebrated in Rome on 25 December a long time before this.  During Advent we prepare ourselves spiritually for the coming of Jesus into the manger of our heart as a baby at Christmas, in Holy Communion, and as our judge at our death and at the end of the world.

From the Pastor – 26 November 2023

Is it possible to be saved without Baptism?

Since Jesus died in order to save every human person, those people who die for the faith, even though they are not baptised, can be saved: this is called Baptism of blood. Catechumens, that is those who are preparing for baptism, and all those who, even without knowing Christ and the Church, still, led by grace, sincerely seek God and strive to do his will can also be saved without Baptism: this is called Baptism of desire. For those children who die without being baptised, the Church in her liturgy entrusts them to the mercy of God.