Fr Thomas’ Reflection for the 5th Sunday of Lent

CORONA AND RAISING OF LAZARUS (Jn 11:1-45) COVID19 Pandemic seems to kill, not just people, but the economy, the religious practices, education systems, in short the world as we know it.  In a microcosmic way, the death of Lazarus made his sisters think of their world collapsing.  They were all the more saddened by the […]

Message from Fr Thomas

Telling the congregation on Monday morning that “This will be the last mass with congregation for a while.” was not easy. But it is very important to cooperate with public health authorities to ensure the safety of all. Though we cannot gather together we shall not disregard the importance of prayer life. We shall continue to demonstrate that our God is with us; we shall continue to be the Sacrament of God especially to anyone who experiences darkness in life.

Catechists Attend Northern Area Mass

Over 80 catechists attended a special gathering for the annual Northern Area Mass at St Kevin’s Parish, Eastwood on July 20. Organised by the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine (CCD), the Mass and luncheon has become a tradition for those involved with Special Religious Education in State Schools. Three of our catechists, Taoto Langi, Dunia Boustany[…..]