Fr Thomas’ Reflection for the 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

These days with the COVID-19 restrictions, we have to be innovative in a lot of things. Recently, the sacramental team of the parish has been discussing how to re-organise the Sacramental Preparation Programs without calling for the parents to gather and risk the spread of corona virus.

Fr Thomas’ Reflection for the 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time

There are a number of people employed in the Catholic Schools who are counter witnesses to the Catholic Church. Some of them openly oppose some of the fundamental teachings of the Church. They do not care about the mission of the Church. These less than desirable elements in the school system is affecting the integrity of not just the Catholic Education system, but the Church at large.

Fr Thomas’ Reflection for the 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Cardinal Pell, though not considering his ordeal in the prison was the worst, said it was difficult. Then he told us that it is his faith that helped him endure his 13 months of lock up. There are many martyrs and near martyrs who endured terrible persecution because of their faith in Jesus Christ.

Fr Thomas’ Reflection for Pentecost Sunday

Jesus did not start a church during his time on earth. The Church was born after his death, on the feast of Pentecost. John, in his Gospel, tells us that the birth of the Church was a new creation God carried out through his Spirit in the light of Jesus’ resurrection.

Fr Thomas’ Reflection for The Ascension of the Lord

In the midst of the COVID uncertainties and restrictions, the joy of life could be dulled. We need the risen Lord with us these days. Therefore, it might look a bit odd to celebrate the departure of Jesus in this time. But Matthew tells us why we should celebrate the Ascension of Jesus. The ascension of the Lord to Heaven (the departure of the Lord) is also the continued presence of the Lord on earth.